Of the millions of porn sites that exist on the internet, there are in response thousands upon thousands of porn lists, just like ours, out there. Sites, who chose to differentiate themselves and weather the storm to stand out in some way or another in this ruthlessly merciless industry. That’s where The Porn Guide comes in, to not only cherry-pick the best of the best, but also feature up-and-coming porn sites that have garnered a lot of promise, yet may not be known. Of those who try, only some succeed and rise up to stand out from the masses. Now, with the advent of the internet, anyone with a computer living in their mom’s basement can crank out a porn site.īecause of this, a lot of fly-by-night porn sites come and go, from those looking to make a quick buck peddling pornography, to multi-million dollar, international companies. Even during Medieval times, people were fapping to sketches of nude babes. The porn industry is extremely competitive because porn is always in such high demand. In fact, studies show that 30 percent of the internet is made up of porn! I believe it, and, that’s a lot of freaking porn man. There are millions, upon millions of pornographic websites on the internet.